Tuesday, August 22, 2006


its become so difficult to get up every day. (note i say everyday. not every morning. cos if u know me :p i'm so not a morning person) i want to go back to that black oblivion that is my sleep. and not face the bloody bright sunlight. and the stacks and stacks of books, notes and revision i have to do.

had such a throbbing bad headache yesterday. argh. 2 hours of sleep and constant staring at econs mcq gets u that -.- plus e oxbridge talk. which i was rather relieved to see only 3 ppl applying to the same college as me. had a rather nice time at e talk though, mini catch-up session with justin. who i haven't really talked to in ages ):

was thinking about cambridge. its been my dream for quite awhile to get there. but i'm seriously doubting my chances. and even if i were to get in. i was looking arnd the room yesterday, and i seriously couldn't see anyone that i'd really click with, with e exception of justin and beatrice. and justin still has bloody ns. suddenly lse and upenn sound alot more attractive. friends-wise. sighs. i know i have this 'cannot let go' thing about me. i hold things of comfort close to me, and never wish to let them go. half the time making choices to be closer to sources of comfort. like choosing pcme at e beginning of jc. then swapping at bcme finally cos i had to do it for me you know. and i suppose its the same with uni. i gotta do it for myself. so that one day i can look back, and say i did it. i chased my dreams. i found that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. haha.

off to mug now. <3>

i miss you friends.

: kiss goodbye :: wang lee hom :


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